Prof. Dr. Martin Korte

Korte, born 1964, is a professor of cellular neurobiology at TU Braunschweig and was the vice president of TU Braunschweig from 2010 to 2012. He studied biology (diploma) in Münster, Tübingen and at the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, USA, worked at the Max Planck Institutes for Brain Research (Frankfurt) and of Neurobiology (Munich-Martinsried), and he qualified as a university lecturer at LMU Munich in 2001. Korte is researching the cellular basics of learning and memory as well as the processes of forgetting. He is one of the most cited German cellular neurobiologists.
Korte is well-known from a wide range of TV appearances: RTL (Bin ich schlauer als Günther Jauch, 2022; Stern-TV / Schlau wie Jauch, 2019), ARD (Der klügste Deutsche, 2011; Deutschlands größter Gedächtnistest, 2009/2010), Schweizer Fernsehen (Sternstunde Philosophie, 2005/2008), ZDF (Frontal21), ARTE, BR, 3Sat, NDR, etc. He is an author of books and a reviewer for the German Research Foundation and the EU (European Research Council). In addition to his scientific presentations, he gives many public presentations for school principals, teachers, parents, pupils, or politicians.
Being a scientific advisor for more than half a dozen books and a founding member of the Junge Akademie, which is supported by the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities (BBAW) and the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina, he is one of the most acknowledged learning researchers in Germany. It is for these “Public Understanding of Science” activities among others that Korte was awarded the Karl Heinz Beckurts-Preis. Moreover, he is a member of the exclusive EDAB, which is committed to the public communication of neuroscience in Europe and to which several Nobel Prize winners belong.
He has been a member of the BBAW since 2013. In 2015, he was awarded the Fakultätenpreis of Stifterverband for his innovative teaching. He also is an author of books, e.g.: “Frisch im Kopf”, 2023, DVA; “Hirngeflüster: Wie wir lernen, unser Gedächtnis effektiv zu trainieren”, 09/2019, Europa-Verlag; “Jung im Kopf: Erstaunliche Einsichten der Gehirnforschung in das Älterwerden”, DVA and “Wir sind Gedächtnis: Wie unsere Erinnerungen bestimmen, wer wir sind”, 2019, Pantheon.