IT-Defense 2024Jan-Luca Gruber

Jan-Luca Gruber

Jan-Luca Gruber has been studying Cyber Security at the Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University (DHBW) Mannheim since 2021 and started working for cirosec GmbH in the same year.

Among other things, he works on the development of techniques to bypass security products. His research has already led to the discovery of multiple vulnerabilities in Enterprise products, like Zero Trust clients, antivirus and VPN software.

In his free time, Jan-Luca Gruber participates in Capture the Flag hacking competitions with the DHBW student team.

At cirosec GmbH, he is, among other things, responsible for the development of internal tools for automated vulnerability scans and contributes to red team assessments with the development of exploits.